In this article we provide an overview of the most desirable and the best free web hosting online. If you want to make your first free website online, these article gives you an idea where or what site are you going to use to put up your new site just by joining these top 5 free web hosting which I listed. by the way what is web hosting or web server?
- In most common use, a server is a physical computer (a computer hardware system) dedicated to running one or more services (as a host).
So these are my top 5 free web hosting whose available online
- This site is owned by Google Inc.
- Any time you can upgrade to buy your new domain.
- Is brought to you by some of the same folks who work on the open source blogging software available at
- Is run by Automattic system.
- (PHP, MySQL, 1-click Scripts, No Ads, Free subdomain)
- support (Blog / Site builder, No ads, Free domain)
- support(Easy site builder, blog, forms, polls, Free subdomain)
These are our list of top 5 free web hosting.
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