The two most popular link shortener which you can make extra cash on line by sharing link or links address to your friends are and these two link shortener are very easy to use just paste the link address you want to shrink and share it to your friends, if one your friends click that link you earn small commission from link.
The pay for real visitors on your website, our comprehensive fraud filters ensures high quality traffic. Campaigns start at only $5. You are required to earn only $5 before you will be paid. They can pay all users via their PayPal or Liberty Reserve.
For more information about how much is your commission for every click you earn please read this click rate
The also is more likely the same as, it is a free short URL redirection service with a twist. Get paid for every link you share on the Internet. You can place links on FaceBook, Twitter, forums, and anywhere you share links! You can earn up to $6.50 per 1000 visits to your short URLs. Generate stats on-the-fly and break-down by countries, referrers, and specific dates. We payout users every month for earnings above $10.00.
In order to earn more cash about this two system system you can read this simple steps on how or where you can post your link to get more visitors without violating the term. read more about making money On-line.
Tnx . .